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Opportunity to ask for new Cycle and Footpath from Arundel to Ford station

Arundel residents have been asking for a Foot and Cycle path along the Ford Road for years because
Ford station is such an important link for many school children trying to get to Worthing or Barnham
or Chichester.

Sadly, as a town, we struggle to get our requirements onto the priority lists for either West Sussex
County Council or Arun District Council yet these two bodies hold the purse strings.

Most of the time, we don’t even know when a consultation is happening. The new Arundel Walking and Cycling Forum has formed to promote Cycling and Walking in Arundel and has discovered these
surveys online.

Please click the links below and take some time to let your views be known and, if you can, please
add your support for the foot and cycle path to Ford station.

1. Arun District Council Survey on Active Travel (URGENT Closes Mon 23/11/20 at 11am)

A consultant has been employed by Arun to identify opportunities to improve active travel in
the District. We need them to know that Arundel wants a footpath to Ford.

Please take the survey here  

2. West Sussex Transport Plan Review Investment into the transport network.

As the UK has declared it will be Carbon Neutral by 2050, West Sussex CC must review and
update their strategic approach to investment in, and management of, the transport network. The new approach will be much more supportive of walking and cycling. This survey will feed into those plans so this is another great chance to ensure that they think
about Arundel in their plans. (Closes 17/12/20)

Please take the survey here 

3. Arundel to Ford Station petition.

We have linked with our elected Councillor for West Sussex, Gary Markwell to start a petition asking for a footpath to Ford Station. 

Please find the survey here 

It’s a shame these have all come along together. Please try and make time to complete each one so that Arundel can have a voice in these important decisions and especially to let them know that we
are tired of waiting for this footpath. Thank you