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our people, our stories, Our Community

The Love Arundel community blog tells the stories of the amazing people who live, work and volunteer in Arundel, as well as keeping us up to date on the various town projects that affect us all. The blog also hosts The Bell online with the last edition of the community magazine available in full. Read inspiring tales and celebrate the best of local life, all from our fabulous local contributing writers.


Discover the latest local stories, interviews and profiles of life in Arundel

Jul 24

Arundel Gate Award-winning property developer Esquire Developments proudly opens the…

Jun 17
Arundel Festival of the Arts 2024

Photography by Charlie Waring Written by Barb Hogan What is the Arundel Festival of…

Jun 13
Welcome and Deserved Success For The Arundel Pharmacy

Welcome and Deserved Success For The Arundel Pharmacy Your may remember that in…

Jun 12
The Big Hoot Trail in Chichester & Arundel

10th July – 1st Sept 2024 Get ready for Chichester and Arundel’s first large…

Jun 11
Can Visitor Attractions in and Around Arundel Offer Support For People with Dementia?

And the answer is a resounding YES! When people live with dementia, they face a huge…

May 14
Half Term Fun with Activities at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre

Half Term activities featuring TV’s Bing and Flop Half term is nearly here and if…

Town projects

Catch up on the objectives and progress of various projects and initiatives happening around town, and find out how to get involved.

There always seems to be a few projects happening in and around Arundel which have the potential to affect many of us in different ways, some good and some bad depending on your personal perspective. Certain bigger projects run public consultation processes in order to assess overall opinion. Catch up on the objectives and progress of various projects and initiatives happening around town and find out how to get involved.

project LEAP

Lime Tree Project

Arundel Bee project

Arundel Cycling And Walking Project

Victoria Institute

love arundel /
the Arundel Project

affordable housing

A27 Arundel bypass

Neighbourhood plan

The Bell

About Arundel, for Arundel, by Arundel

The Bell is a quarterly, community magazine produced by voluntary Arundel residents for the town. It is circulated by Royal Mail to every postal address in Arundel as well as being distributed throughout the town to hotels, restaurants and local  centres such as the churches, Town Hall, Post Office and Museum.