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Local Information

Guide to local Arundel services and information

Looking for a doctor, a cash point, somewhere to park, when bin day is, how to report that pothole in your road or even what the speed limit on the river is? Find all that and more in this guide to your local services and useful information.

Useful Phone Numbers

Emergency Numbers

Rubbish & Recycling


Banking & post


Public Transport


The River

Reporting Issues

Resident map

Who does what in Arundel?

Our schools, bins, street lights, potholes, buses, the Arundel festival, Arundel by Candlelight …….if you’ve ever wondered which council is responsible for which of our public services or who organises Arundel’s various events then you’ve come to the right place. Read on for information on who does what on our behalf and how to contact them.

The Councils


Town Meeting Diary

Chamber of Commerce

Arundel Community Partnership

Town Stakeholder Group

Festival Committee

Gallery Trail Committee

Arundel at Christmas Committee

Local & Social Media